Colorado’s CASA Organizations
Volunteer with the CASA Organization Near You
Advocates for Children
16965 Pine Lane #100 Parker, CO 80134
Counties Served: Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert, Lincoln
Website: adv4children.org
Phone: (303) 695-1882
Arkansas Valley CASA
202 Harriet Ave., La Junta, CO 81050
Counties Served: Bent, Crowley, Otero
Website: ArkValleyCASA.org
Phone: (719) 470-0148
Voices for Children, CASA of Boulder County
5408 Idylwild Trail, Boulder, CO 80301
Counties Served: Boulder
Website: bouldervfc.org
Phone: (303) 440-7059
CASA of Adams and Broomfield Counties
11860 N Pecos St., Westminster, CO 80234
Counties Served: Adams, Broomfield
Website: casa17th.org
Phone: (720) 523-2855
CASA del Valle
Counties Served: Alamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande, Saguache
Website: CASAdelValle.org
Phone: (720) 523-2855
CASA of Jefferson and Gilpin Counties
100 Jefferson County Parkway, #2505, Golden, CO 80401
Counties Served: Jefferson, Gilpin
Website: casajeffcogilpin.com
Phone: (303) 271-6535
CASA of Larimer County
3105 East Harmony Road, Fort Collins, CO 80528
Counties Served: Larimer, Jackson
Website: casalarimer.com
Phone: (970) 488-1630
CASA of Mesa County
2139 Noth 12th Street, Suite 5, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Counties Served: Mesa
Website: casamc.org
Phone: (970) 242-4191
CASA of Pueblo
130 W Abriendo Ave., Pueblo, CO 81004
Counties Served: Pueblo
Website: casaofpueblo.org
Phone: (719) 583-6326
CASA of the 7th JD
147 N. Townsend Ave., Montrose, CO 81401
Counties Served: Delta, Montrose, Ouray, Gunnison, San Miguel
Website: casa7jd.org
Phone: (970) 249-0337
CASA of the Continental Divide
330 Fiedler Ave, Suite 206, Dillon , CO 80435
Counties Served: Clear Creek, Lake, Summit, Eagle
Website: mtncasa.org
Phone: (970) 513-9390
CASA of the Ninth
Glenwood Springs, CO
Counties Served: Garfield, Pitkin, Rio Blanco
Website: casaoftheninth.org
Phone: (970) 987-4332
CASA of the Pikes Peak Region
418 S Weber St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Counties Served: El Paso, Teller
Website: casappr.org
Phone: (719) 447-9898
CASA of the Southwest (4 The Children)
129 County Road 250, Durango, CO 81301
Counties Served: Archuleta, La Plata, Dolores, Montezuma, San Juan
Website: 4thechild.org
Phone: (970) 259-0310
CASA of Weld County (Life Stories Child & Family Advocacy)
1640 25th Avenue, Greeley, CO 80634
Counties Served: Weld
Website: lifestoriesweld.org
Phone: (970) 353-5970
Child Advocates - Denver CASA
1325 S. Colorado Blvd. Suite B-402, Denver, CO 80222
Counties Served: Denver
Website: denvercasa.org
Phone: (303) 832-4592
Heart of Colorado CASA
1204 Main Street, Canon City, CO 81212
Counties Served: Chaffee, Custer, Fremont, Park
Website: hoccasa.org
Phone: (719) 269-2393
Northwest Rocky Mountain Colorado CASA
2550 South Copper Frontage Rd, Suite 112, Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
510 West Victory Way, Craig, CO 81625
Counties Served: Grand, Moffatt, Routt
Website: kidscasa.org
Phone: (970) 819-6233

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