Letter from the Director - February 2025

It has been a fast and furious February for nonprofits who receive federal funding, especially on top of state funding in flux. With executive orders putting a freeze on federal funding, rescinding orders and temporary restraining orders, we find ourselves remaining focused on doing our work to help vulnerable children and families in our communities. At the same time, we are adjusting and planning for less public support and hopefully increased support from individuals and private philanthropy.

Uncertainty can lead to chaos—which doesn’t help our staffs and teams, and most importantly, our kids. We are thankful for our partners at Children’s Advocacy Center, Office of the Child’s Representation, the Colorado Nonprofit Association and others who are helping us navigate and serve as thought partners. Our local Board of Directors are also putting in extra time, and we extend a huge thank you to our biggest champions. We are grateful for your trust in our work and every dollar, especially now—makes a difference. Please consider making a donation.

If you can’t make a monetary gift, please consider getting involved with CASA—as a volunteer. The majority of our programs have children waiting for CASA advocates—and no matter the situation at the federal level, that is not changing. Colorado children in foster care need our help. Being an advocate for a child without a voice leads to transforming a life and now is the time to activate.


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